Phase-field modeling of smectic-isotropic systems

  1. Phase-field model for a weakly compressible soft layered material: morphological transitions on smectic-isotropic interfaces, E. Vitral, P.H. Leo, and J. Viñals
    Soft Matter (2021)

  2. Model of the dynamics of an interface between a smectic phase and an isotropic phase of different density, E. Vitral, P.H. Leo, and J. Viñals
    Physical Review Fluids 5, 073302 (2020)

  3. Role of Gaussian curvature on local equilibrium and dynamics of smectic-isotropic interfaces, E. Vitral, P.H. Leo, and J. Viñals
    Physical Review E 100, 032805 (2019)